Antonio-M. Bañón-Hernández e-mail(Login required)

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Antonio-M. Bañón-Hernández e-mail(Login required)



The signature books constitute a very interesting material to study, quantitatively and qualitatively, the discourse of positive assessment directed towards patient groups. We have accessed one of them, to preferably analyze the acts of gratitude (n = 145). We have also included data and interpretations on acts of presentation and identification (n = 376), descriptive-evaluative acts (n = 36) and acts of commitment (n = 32). The study demonstrates the importance of emotions among the causes of gratitude, to the detriment of the scientific content of the macro-event analyzed. The preferred structure of the acts of gratitude is the one formed by independent nucleus or by nucleus more specifying of gratitude (with or without intensification). Little relevance is given to the recipients. On the other hand, the scarcity of acts of commitment is surprising. Lastly, the authors of the messages show a basic understanding of rare diseases, but there are also fundamental gaps and errors.


Rare Diseases, Critical Discourse Analysis, Acts of Gratitude, Patient Associations, Signature Book


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Articles: Discourse analysis applied to health and disease