Javier de-Navascués-Martín e-mail(Login required)

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Javier de-Navascués-Martín e-mail(Login required)



A set of reflections are presented on the basis of a teaching innovation project on creative writing based on the collaboration of academics and writers. The project «Writing a story», implemented in the Minor in Creative Writing of the Degree in Spanish Language and Literature at the University of Navarra in the 2019-2020 academic year, seeks to integrate the specific skills of creative writing in a university setting through the writing of a novel project. Special attention is paid to the analytical reading of contemporary novels as a means of transferring narrative resources to the creation itself. Even so, the main teaching challenges lie in the evaluation of the learning outcomes, which are carried out from a plurality of critical voices.   


Creative Writing, Didactics of Literature, The Novel, Applied Literature


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Article Details

Articles. Monographic Section: Creative Writing, Poetry, Translation, and Teaching (Jonathan Locke Hart, ed.)