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Jenny Haase e-mail(Login required)



This article proposes a reading of the figurations of desire in Ernestina de Champourcin’s poetry of the 1920s and 1930s, from the perspective of contemporary vitalist philosophy and of current principles of vital-materialist thought. The coincidence between bodily, spiritual and poetic desire has its historical-literary model in mystical discourse. Situating ourselves in the theoretical framework of post-secular studies and proposing the notion of the «trans-secular», we will address the close relationship between vitalist semantics and metapoetic reflection in Champourcin’s poetry. We will then highlight the motif of the road as a symbol of an «urban mysticism» and of a dynamic subjectivity of becoming. Finally, we will explore the richness of the expressions of desire, which in Champourcin always go beyond the binary separation between the physical senses and the spiritual sense. Her lyrical persona desires a universalising, cosmic unity with the world that directs itself either to the beloved, or to nature, objects, poetry or even God. It is precisely the indistinguishable iridescence of the object of desire that opens Champourcin’s lyric to a post-anthropocentric, trans-secular ethics and aesthetics.


Ernestina de Champourcin, Mysticism, Vitalism, New Materialism, Modern Poetry


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Article Details

Articles. Monographic Section: Postsecular Studies, Literature, and Care of the Self (Azucena G. Blanco, ed.)
Author Biography

Jenny Haase, Institut für Romanistik. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Ludwig-Wucherer-Str. 2. Halle (Saale) 06108. Alemania