Paloma Díaz-Soloaga e-mail(Login required) , Carlos Múñiz e-mail(Login required) , Dolores Cáceres-Zapatero e-mail(Login required)

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Paloma Díaz-Soloaga e-mail(Login required)
Carlos Múñiz e-mail(Login required)
Dolores Cáceres-Zapatero e-mail(Login required)


This study researches the effects of fashion advertising on the attitudes and opinions of women, as well as possible consequences of the exposition of stereotypes displayed in fashion brand advertising. The study was carried out through a sample of 884 women –students, professors and administrative workers- in Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, and Tecnologico of Monterrey, Campus of Monterrey, Mexico. A quantitative analysis of the data obtained through a web-based questionnaire was conducted that provided data for comparative results of the effects of advertising consumption on women and its cultural impact.


Fashion Magazines, Woman, Advertising Effects, Self-perception of the body


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