William Porath e-mail(Login required) , Constanza Mujica e-mail(Login required)

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William Porath e-mail(Login required)
Constanza Mujica e-mail(Login required)


This paper analyses the impact of foreign news on two Chilean newscasts in the context of the Foreign TV News Around the World project. All news stories aired were classified into four categories, according to its place of occurrence and foreign or domestic involvement. The space granted to each of these categories together its most common topics are compared according to two broadcasting models: public service and commercial. It is observed that, both in Chile and the fourteen other countries analyzed, the differences between those models are comparatively small.


Foreign news, television, Chile, Public service television, Commercial television.


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Article Details

Author Biographies

William Porath, Facultad de Comunicaciones. 8331150 Santiago. Chile.

8331150 Santiago

Constanza Mujica, Facultad de Comunicaciones. 8331150 Santiago. Chile.

8331150 Santiago