Carmen Vizoso-Gómez e-mail(Inicie sesión)

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Carmen Vizoso-Gómez e-mail(Inicie sesión)



El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar los estudios sobre el capital psicológico en el profesorado. La muestra fi nal incluye 39 artículos que revelan el interés generado por este tema en los últimos años. Los resultados indican que el capital psicológico se relaciona con la motivación, el desempeño, el compromiso, la salud y el bienestar del profesorado, y que es un protector frente al burnout. Además, el liderazgo del personal de dirección, el apoyo de colegas y algunos rasgos de personalidad del propio profesorado determinan su capital psicológico. Así, esta revisión aporta información relevante para diseñar intervenciones psicoeducativas adecuadas.

Palabras clave

Capital psicológico, PsyCap, Profesorado, Revisión sistemática


Las referencias de los artículos incluidos en la revisión están señaladas con asterisco.

*Adil, A. y Kamal, A. (2016). Impact of psychological capital and authentic leadership on work engagement and job related affective well-being. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 31(1), 1-21.

*Adil, A. y Kamal, A. (2018). Impact of perceived authentic leadership and psychological capital on burnout: Mediating role of psychological ownership. Psychological Studies, 63(3), 243-252.

*Adil, A. y Kamal, A. (en prensa). Authentic leadership and psychological capital in job demands-resources model among Pakistani university teachers. International Journal of Leadership in Education.

*Aftab, N., Rashid, S. y Ali Shah, S. A. (2018). Direct effect of extraversion and conscientiousness with interactive effect of positive psychological capital on organizational citizenship behavior among university teachers. Cogent Psychology, 5(1), 1-11.

*Akyürek, S., Şenol, H. y Lesinger, F. Y. (2018). The impact of psychological capital levels of preschool teachers on their life satisfaction and individual performance perceptions. Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods, 8(10), 218-233.

*Aria, A., Jafari, P. y Behifar, M. (2019). Authentic leadership and teachers’ intention to stay: the mediating role of perceived organizational support and psychological capital. World Journal of Education, 9(3), 67-81.

Atmaca, Ç., Rızaoğlu, F., Türkdoğan, T. y Yaylı, D. (2020). An emotion focused approach in predicting teacher burnout and job satisfaction. Teaching and Teacher Education, 90: 103025.

Avey, J. B., Avolio, B. J. y Luthans, F. (2011a). Experimentally analyzing the impact of leader positivity on follower positivity and performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 22, 282-294.

Avey, J. B., Reichard, R. J., Luthans, F. y Mhatre, K. H. (2011b). Meta-analysis of the impact of positive psychological capital on employee attitudes, behaviors, and performance. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 22(2), 127-152.

Azanza, G., Domínguez, A. J., Moriano, J. A. y Molero, F. J. (2014). Capital psicológico positivo: Validación del cuestionario PCQ en España. Anales de Psicología, 30(1), 294-301.

*Bozgeyikli, H. (2017). Big Five personality traits as the predictor of teachers’ organizational psychological capital. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(18), 125-135.

Burhanuddin, N. A. N., Ahmad, N. A., Said, R. R. y Asimiran, S. (2019). A Systematic Review of the Psychological Capital (PsyCap) research development: Implementation and gaps. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 8(3), 133-150.

Carmona-Halty, M., Salanova, M., Llorens, S. y Schaufeli, W. B. (2019). How psychological capital mediates between Study-Related positive emotions and academic performance. Journal of Happiness Studies, 20(2), 605-617.

Carter, J. W. y Youssef-Morgan, C. M. (2019). The positive psychology of mentoring: A longitudinal analysis of psychological capital development and performance in a formal mentoring program. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 30(3), 383-405.

*Cheung, F., Tang, C. S. K. y Tang, S. (2011). Psychological capital as a moderator between emotional labor, burnout, and job satisfaction among school teachers in china. International Journal of Stress Management, 18(4), 348-371.

Çobanoğlu, N. y Bozbayindir, F. (2019). A study on shared leadership and positive psychological capitals of teachers at primary and secondary schools. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 7(5), 1265-1274.

Collie, R. J., Malmberg, L. E., Martin, A. J., Sammons, P. y Morin, A. J. S. (2020). A multilevel person-centered examination of teachers’ workplace demands and resources: Links with work-related well-being. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 626.

*Demir, S. (2018). The relationship between psychological capital and stress, anxiety, burnout, job satisfaction, and job involvement. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 75, 137-154.

Duckworth, A. L., Quinn, P. D. y Seligman, M. E. P. (2009). Positive predictors of teacher effectiveness. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 4(6), 540-547.

*Durrah, O., Al-Tobasi, A., A’Aqoulah, A. y Ahmad, M. (2016). The impact of the psychological capital on job performance: A case study on faculty members at Philadelphia university. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(2), 183-191.

Efilti, K. y Çoklar, A. N. (2019). Teachers’ technostress levels as an indicator of their psychological capital levels. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 7(2), 413-421.

*Feng, F. (2016). School principals’ authentic leadership and teachers’ psychological capital: Teachers’ perspectives. International Education Studies, 9(10), 245-255.

*Ferradás, M. M., Freire, C., García-Bértoa, A., Núñez, J. C. y Rodríguez, S. (2019). Teacher profiles of psychological capital and their relationship with burnout. Sustainability, 11(18), 1-18.

Finch, J., Farrell, L. J. y Waters, A. M. (en prensa). Searching for the HERO in youth: Does psychological capital (PsyCap) predict mental health symptoms and subjetive wellbeing in Australian school-aged children and adolescents? Child Psychiatry & Human Development.

*Fu, C. (2015). The effect of emotional labor on job involvement in preschool teachers: Verifying the mediating effect of psychological capital. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 14(3), 145-156.

*Ganotice, F. A., Yeung, S. S., Beguina, L. A. y Villarosa, J. B. (2016). In search for H.E.R.O among filipino teachers: The relationship of positive psychological capital and work-related outcomes. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 25(3), 407-414.

Gong, Z., Chen, Y. y Wang, Y. (2019). The infl uence of emotional intelligence on job burnout and job performance: Mediating effect of psychological capital. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2707.

Grover, S. L., Teo, S. T. T., Pick, D., Roche, M. y Newton, C. J. (2018). Psychological capital as a personal resource in the JD-R model. Personnel Review, 47(4), 968-984.

Hall, N. C. (2019). An overview of research on emotions in Asian learners and educators: Implications and future directions. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 28(4), 363-370.

*Hansen, A., Buitendach, J. H. y Kanengoni, H. (2015). Psychological capital, subjective well-being, burnout and job satisfaction amongst educators in the Umlazi region in South Africa. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 13(1), 1-9.

Harms, P. D., Vanhove, A. y Luthans, F. (2017). Positive projections and health: an initial validation of the implicit psychological capital health measure. Applied Psychology, 66, 78-102.

*Hsing-Ming, L., Mei-Ju, C., Chia-Hui, C. y Ho-Tang, W. (2017). The relationship between psychological capital and professional commitment of preschool teachers: the moderating role of working years. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 5(5), 891-900.

*Huang, H., Liu, L., Hsieh, H. y Chang, C. (2016). Relationships among physical education teachers’ psychological capital, work stress, and creative teaching. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 14(6), 744-752.

Kalman, M. y Summak, M. S. (2017). Revitalizing the HERO within teachers: An analysis of the effects of the PsyCap development training. Qualitative Report, 22(3), 655-682.

*Kanapathy, R., Majid, R. A., Amat, S. y Yasin, M. H. M. (2016). Relationship and contribution of psychological capital and organizational support towards the subjective well-being of special education secondary school teachers in the Central Region of Peninsula Malaysia. Asia-Pacific Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 3(2), 12-19.

*Karakus, M., Ersozlu, A., Demir, S., Usak, M. y Wildy, H. (2019). A model of attitudinal outcomes of teachers’ psychological capital. Psihologija, 52(4), 363-378.

*Kaya, Ç. y Altınkurt, Y. (2018). Role of psychological and structural empowerment in the relationship between teachers’ psychological capital and their levels of burnout. Egitim Ve Bilim, 43(193), 63-78.

*Khaleghkhah, A., Babelan, A. Z. y Karimianpour, G. (2017). Prediction of job engagement of teachers based on psychological capital and psychological hardiness. Revista de la Universidad del Zulia, 8(22), 33-47.

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Ko, S. y Choi, Y. (2019). Compassion and job performance: Dual-paths through positivework-related identity, collective self esteem, and positive psychological capital. Sustainability, 11, 6766.

*Kun, A. y Gadanecz, P. (en prensa). Workplace happiness, well-being and their relationship with psychological capital: A study of hungarian teachers. Current Psychology.

*Kurt, N. y Demirbolat, A. O. (2019). Investigation of the relationship between psychological capital perception, psychological well-being and Job satisfaction of teachers. Journal of Education and Learning, 8(1), 87-99.

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León-Pérez, J. M., Antino, M. y León-Rubio, J. M. (2017). Adaptación al español de la versión reducida del Cuestionario de Capital Psicológico (PCQ-12). Revista de Psicología Social, 32(1), 196-213.

*Li, Y. (2018). Building well-being among university teachers: the roles of psychological capital and meaning in life. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 27(5), 594-602.

*Li, Y., Li, Y. y Castaño, G. (2019). The impact of teaching-research confl ict on job burnout among university teachers: An integrated model. International Journal of Confl ict Management, 31(1), 76-90.

Li, Y., Wu, Q., Li, Y., Chen, L. y Wang, X. (2019). Relationships among psychological capital, creative tendency, and job burnout among Chinese nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75(12), 3495-3503.

*Li, Y. y Zhang, R. (2019). Kindergarten teachers’ work stress and work-related well-being: A moderated mediation model. Social Behavior and Personality, 47(11), 1-12.

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*Mesurado, B. y Laudadío, J. (2019). Teaching Experience, Psychological capital and Work Engagement. Their relationship with Burnout on university teachers. Propósitos y Representaciones, 7(3), 12-40.

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*Peng, J., He, Y., Deng, J., Zheng, L., Chang, Y. y Liu, X. (2019). Emotional labor strategies and job burnout in preschool teachers: Psychological capital as a mediator and moderator. Work, 63(3), 335-345.

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