Carmen Peraita Huerta e-mail(Login required)

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Carmen Peraita Huerta e-mail(Login required)


The Epítome a la historia de fray Tomás de Villanueva by Quevedo is a very interesting work if we put it into relation with other works written around the year 1620. This work has not received much attention nor has it always been included in Villanueva’s hagiographic bibliography. But a correct annotation can be very useful to show us Quevedo’s way of writing, his thoughts and his rhetorical consideration. Quevedo’s main source is the work De los grandes y singularísimos… by Miguel Salón, published in 1588 and Quevedo adapts it to his own style. Carmen Peraita campares passages taken from Salón’s with others from Quevedo’s to analyse the way of writing and the personal style of don Francisco. This comparison shows that Quevedo’s work is not only a hagiographic work, but it overcomes the limits of this genre to connect it with the political critic, dealing with topics that will be found in other works of this period.


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