Fran-J. García-García e-mail(Login required) , Inmaculada López-Francés e-mail(Login required) , Evelyn-E. Moctezuma-Ramírez e-mail(Login required) , Cruz Pérez-Pérez e-mail(Login required)

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Fran-J. García-García e-mail(Login required)
Inmaculada López-Francés e-mail(Login required)
Evelyn-E. Moctezuma-Ramírez e-mail(Login required)
Cruz Pérez-Pérez e-mail(Login required)



The aim of this study was to explain the perceptions of university students and professors regarding the “learning to learn” approach. We set up focus groups with both collectives, using the GIPU-EA model as it was operative and integrative enough to permit systematization of the coding. We analyzed maturity and density and computed an intra-dimensional coherence score. The results showed two different profi les in perceiving “learning to learn”; one matching the professors and the other the students. The implications for university teaching were discussed at the end of the paper, together with the limitations of the results we found.


Learning to learn, University, Students, Teaching staff


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