Manuel-Rafael de-Besa-Gutiérrez e-mail(Login required) , Javier Gil-Flores e-mail(Login required) , Alfonso-Javier García-González e-mail(Login required)

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Manuel-Rafael de-Besa-Gutiérrez e-mail(Login required)
Javier Gil-Flores e-mail(Login required)
Alfonso-Javier García-González e-mail(Login required)



The expectations of students entering their first year of university constitute an interesting topic. This study aimed to investigate the academic expectations of first-year university students, considering gender and branch of knowledge. A total of 940 students completed the Academic Perceptions Questionnaire: Expectations Version. Non-parametric analysis was applied. The results show that women arrive at university with higher expectations. Arts and Humanities students have lower expectations than the other areas of knowledge. Peer mentoring and labour training are proposed to attend academic expectations.


Expectations, First year college students, Higher Education, Comparative analysis


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